The Academy of Organisational Neuroscience Australia
Brain-Based Coaching & Leadership Program Outline
Phase 1
- Zoom meeting with the Principal, Head Master or CEO
- Collaboration with the leadership team to refine aims
- Site visit to meet team in context if possible.
Phase 2
- Pre-professional reading
Phase 3
- Face to face workshop, 2 days
- How to build your leadership strength and foundations of coaching
- Select a peer coach to support each other through the leadership journey. The content is research based and will explore some of the following:
Okojo mindset protocol (Newman)
17 Trust behaviours (Newman)
Contribute and agitate state (Newman)
Approach and avoid response (Gordon)
Icecap model of Influence (Newman)
Values (Collins)
Purpose (Sinek)
Feedback (Williams)
The learning pit (Nottingham)
Brain (Rossouw & Willis; Cacioppo; Cozolino; Gordon; Kennedy, Immordino-Yang; Perry)
Perceptual positions (Psychology)
Positive framing (Lemov)
Knowing your impact on others (Scott)
High performance teams (Stebbins, Wagner, Collins)
Distributed leadership (Dunbar)
Change leadership (Cotter & Waters et al)
12 Attributes of Inspirational and influential leadership (Newman)
The SIM model (Newman)
Motivation response model (Newman)
- Participants collect feedback from colleagues and supervisor around their leadership behaviours using the Leadership Attribute Reflective Took to assess their strengths and gaps. Personality profiling.
Phase 4
- Practice coaching with peers and teams in context at work.
Phase 5
- Face to face workshop, 1 day master class.
- Scale up strategic leadership influence.
- Differentiating your leadership approach to manage, mentor and coach.
- Opportunity to deepen your coaching experience.
- Journey deeper into the neuroscience research.
- Feedback is analysed.
Time management (Newman 2018)
Change management (Cotter; Waters et al)
Strategic leadership layers (Newman, 2019)
Accountability chart (Newman & Stebbins, 2019)
Ways to influence (Newman et al)
How to have a hard conversation and keep the relationship intact (Newman, 2019)
Phase 6
- Executive coaching session: Zoom group coaching session to support the team’s strategic leadership development and their leadership challenge project.
Phase 7
- Select a ‘on the job - in the job’ leadership challenge
- Leadership Challenge project
- Participants identify a leadership task from the corporate improvement agenda within their normal role, in consultation with the Principal/Head Master/CEO.
Phase 8
- Face to face graduation, one day. (Within six months after master class)
Presentation of 5min ‘Ted Talk’ of their leadership challenge to show evidence of how they have scaled up their leadership using their coaching skill set to make a difference.
Share and collaborate on insights and learnings.
Award executive coaching participation certificates to participants who have chosen to complete the written component of the coaching course.
Deepen coaching experience.
Using a suite of learning conversations for different contexts.
Assessment for graduation:
Log four coaching sessions
Complete the leadership table assessment talk (Questions and answers)
Five minute Ted style talk to share leadership insights
Coaching Judi for feedback
Attendance to the four days